Friday, July 23, 2010

Should I apply baby power to my adult skin before or after applying lotion? When should I apply baby powder?

Its your own choice I believe!!!Should I apply baby power to my adult skin before or after applying lotion? When should I apply baby powder?
You can apply baby powder before or after. The powder just keeps your skin from getting rashes, such as irritation, heat rashes, and so on. Some lotions can irritate your skin, so be careful. I would recommend the Johnsons baby powder with cornstarch. If you have a heat rash or any rash for that matter, the cornstarch takes the moisture out of the rash and makes it easier for you to get on with your duties. Hope this helps.Should I apply baby power to my adult skin before or after applying lotion? When should I apply baby powder?
it is common knowledge that applying baby powder or indeed lotion is in fact dangeorous to an adult's skin.

For this reason they have labled the product 'baby powder' and not 'adult powder'

If an adult's skin has been contaminated with baby powder a standing cold shower where the skin is flushed with cold water can help while someone dials the ambulance
Well depends on why you are wanting to apply it. If you apply lotion and then powder you are pretty much counter acting the lotion. Powder will keep skin dry, hmm like in an area that gets hot like in your bra line, or anywhere that feels sweaty or sticky. Lotion is to moisturize. Different products that dont need to be used at the same time or the same places..
Apply baby powder and no lotion to the places that tend to be moist (under the breasts, in the folds under your buttocks), or in places that tend to rub a lot (ex, if your thighs rub together). Put lotion and no baby powder on the other areas.
Your going to end up all sticky if you use both. One moisturizes the skin (lotion) and the other removes excess moisture and keeps you dry (powder). Using them together will create a glue that will make you wish you had picked one or the other.
apply lotion first to soothe the skin. then put on powder next to soak up excess moisture and to prevent the lotion getting on ur clothes. if u put on powder first then if u put on lotion the powder serves no real purpose.

good luck. xx
My sister is confined to a bed, and applying lotion, first, them powder works well there is no caking when there is moisture. Try it one time to see if it works for U.
I would suggest regular talcum powder. I would apply it after moisturizer. You should let the moisturizer absorb in well first.
dont apply that powder and all.because it the contents or fav added in that powder is there is no use of applying it.
Add lotion let it air dry a little then add baby powder

if you apply baby powder first then add the lotion you'll make a paste on your skin
You may not want to put both on at all. Just choose one, but baby powder after. Otherwise, there's no use. The lotion gets rid of it before it's absorbed through your skin.
lotion first then apply baby powder when it dries. Why not use liquid powder? Like VCO liquid baby powder?****!?
Lotion first, allow it to dry, then apply baby powder (cornstarch based, not talcum).
apply baby powder to adult skin, after allowing applied lotion to dry.
before applying lotion and after you get out of the shower.

You either use powder or lotion, not both....

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