Monday, July 26, 2010

Has your toddler ever sprinkled out the entine bottle of baby powder!!? How did you clean the mess and stress?

husband left powder open......Has your toddler ever sprinkled out the entine bottle of baby powder!!? How did you clean the mess and stress?
get this....

my mom lets the grand kids take the powder and dump it all in the hallway where there is hard wood floors so they can ';slip and slide';..... we just sweep up what we can then mop the rest... its not that bad.Has your toddler ever sprinkled out the entine bottle of baby powder!!? How did you clean the mess and stress?
funny thing this happened to me at work...i am a nanny. It was an amazing mess!!! I used the vaccum cleaner(sorry bout the spelling) and then i had to spray windex on everything so that I could wipe up what was left....IT WAS A TON OF WORK! You will be cleaning it for a few days cause you will keep seeing spots where it is still.....More important...make sure the child who made the mess does not start showing signs of a cold and if they do take them to the doc ASAP to get checked it could be anything but we were concerned with her getting pneumonia or something similar from actually breathing in the cloud of powder. GOOD LUCK!
Oh, the vacuum is my friend in cases like this. Also, a wet-vac or spot cleaner machine is invaluable, because baby makes wet messes MUCH more often than easy to vacuum dry ones.

I'd have died without my carpet spot cleaner, or we'd have had to replace our carpets and couch a dozen times over.

Stress? When naptime comes, take a few minutes for you. make tea, read a magazine. Do yoga, if the baby's not covering the carpet with toys. :)
yeah that answer above is good! you'll laugh about it later on i'm sure. i wouldn't consider it a stress to clean up after a mess a child has made, that's what kids do! My husband did that when he was a toddler with his little baby sister in the room. His mom told me about it the other day laughing about it. I never use baby powder though for my son, all the baby classes that I took said that it's better not to use it anymore because it can cause lung problems and they really don't need it at all. Just keep them diapers changed often and they'll stay dry.

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