Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Does putting baby powder on yur hands make then not sweat?

how and wen do u put it on, how much and does it work?%26gt;?Does putting baby powder on yur hands make then not sweat?
No, that won't work. I suggest drinking lots of fluids, water or tea. Drinking fluids will keep your body cool and you will sweat less. Your body sweats to cool it down, so it would make sense that if you cool it yourself, you will sweat less.

EDIT: Just found some general info on sweating, has some cool facts.Does putting baby powder on yur hands make then not sweat?
Nope, baby powder just falls off. If sweating really bad, just pour a bit of rubbing alcohol on your hands, rub together to coat and then let dry. Alcohol inhibits the sweat glands from producing sweat, and the effect lasts a few hours. You can do the same thing under your arms, or on your feet or even if you have a sweaty crotch-- just don't get any inside any opening.

I use rubbing alcohol almost all the time instead of anti-perspirant, since it doesn't clog the sweat glands like antiperspirants do.

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