Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby oil, baby powder... how to use them exactly (for babies)?

I know it seems like a stupid question. Baby oil and baby powder should be used at diaper time for baby... but I have never changed a diaper in my life and I don't know exactly how to use them. Should I use them at every diaper change? Or should I use them on special occasions (like a rash)?

Thanks in advance.Baby oil, baby powder... how to use them exactly (for babies)?
you don't really need either. I never use baby powder because it gets in their lungs and it's not healthy. And the only times I ever use baby oil is

1. when my son gets dandruff/cradle cap I rub a little into his scalp and

2. when he has a really sticky or dried on hard to clean mess(like if I'm a bad mom and didn't notice he pooped right away); I put a little baby oil on a cotton ball and it helps get him clean without rubbing his skin raw; that's really handy when I need it but i hardly ever do.

Don't use either with a diaper rash they can be irritating and oil will prevent the area from breathing making it worse.

If you really want to, buy a small bottle of baby oil and keep it in the linen closet for emergencies, it doesn't need to be part of your regular diaper station/ bad. I bought one small bottle before my son was born and we still haven't used up the whole thing.Baby oil, baby powder... how to use them exactly (for babies)?
Hi, I suggest you do not use powder or oil, they are really unnecessary. I use fresh water and very little soap to clean my son (14 months) bum at every diaper change. Sometimes only water. I use the moltex nappies which are not whitened so are more natural (cotton nappies are even better, but a lot of work).

I use some drops of almond oil (very cheap and totally natural) in my son's bath, to help prevent dry skin. Follow nature and not ads :-)
I use sudocream when I change my baby's nappy's but not everytime... only when I remember and I use baby oil after every bath. I sometime's use baby powder on he's bum but I preffer sudo cream.
Baby oil is unnecessary completely. If you do use it I suggest just a dime size amount and rub on baby after bath. I don't suggest putting it in the diaper area just on the back belly and legs. As far as baby powder you can use that after diaper changed but do so carefully. put some on your hand and pat on diaper area. Make sure the powder does not go out in a cloud in the air as you and the baby can then breath it in and it is not good for your lungs. For regular diaper changes just make sure baby is clean and if they are not normally prone to diaper rash you don't really need to put anything special on baby. If the baby has any diareha then I would suggest using some A%26amp;D ointment for precaution and prevention. A%26amp;D ointment cleans easily off the skin which is very important during changes. Some ointments take a considerable amount of effort to remove from baby and if they do have a rash it causes pain to clean them. Everything in moderation only use the amount of ointment you need. Sometimes during a particullary bad rash the easiest and most successful way to clean baby is a quick soak in the tub.
I don't use anything every diaper change. I have used baby powder and not cared for it. Talc powder is bad, but cornstarch is ok. I think its messy though.

We also have some diaper rash cream (with zinc oxide) and baby oil. I have used the cream when I notice lots of redness.

The baby oil I use after bath and on her body. I haven't really used it for diaper rash at all. We have scented stuff I got at my baby shower...its smells nice.
I powder my babys butt with every diaper and I use a little oil in his bath water.

I had no idea powder was unsafe! OMG, That's scary!!
We never used either one. The doctor said that baby powder is not recommended any more because it is not good for the baby to breathe in the powder. Baby oil would only be used if the baby had really dry skin.

For a rash, you use a diaper rash ointment like A %26amp; D or Desitin.
Please don't use baby powder. It's no longer considered safe.

Baby oil is okay. You can use after a bath to give the baby a relaxing massage before bedtime.

As for diaper changes, I use penaten which I think is excellent. I only use it occasionally, when I her skin looks a little pink. You don't have to use it everytime. Just make sure you change diapers really often.

It's not a stupid question at all!! We've all been there.鈥?/a> read this it's very good.
You don't need either of them, but those commericials sure make you think you do! :)

I have a 27 month old, we only used Lansinoh wipes, nothing else. He had maybe three diaper rashes in his life: breastmilk (applied to skin) cured those.
Nurses told me not to use powder because it clogs pores and causes rash. I don't use oil either. These days you just clean the area with a wipe. Also a good idea to let the diaper area air out once a day. Just let baby lay on changing table without a diaper for a few minutes.
Don't use baby powder. Bad for baby's lungs. Use corn starch instead. Been used for decades. You can also buy baby lotion that is also oil. Baby oil I used if the baby got cradle cap. Desitin, Balmex, and such you can use for diaper area. It does not need to be put on thick. That just makes it harder to get off. Just keep the baby clean and dry and you probably won't get a diaper rash. I wish I was there with you and the baby. I love babies. I only had 3, but am expecting a new grandson is May, 2008. I am so excited. Good luck.
I would try to use baby powder at every diaper change, I would use baby oil not the butt but on the scalp this help with dry skin, allot of babies get that on there head. After every bath give your little on a massage with baby lotion. they enjoy this and it help with there skin. plus they smell good.. hope this helps..
I only used suduco cream for diaper changes, every time. I never used baby oil, since it was just too greasy.

I used baby powder after baths. put on lotion first and then used baby powder. Just make sure that you get the powder with no talcum in it.
Actually, neither of them are recommended anymore because they can both be dangerous to baby.

Baby powder is a respiratory irritant, and baby oil is toxic if ingested.

If your baby has a rash, there are some great creams on the market for that, Triple Paste being statistically the most effective.
I have had two children and have never used baby oil on them; rather I used baby lotion and baby powder. I never, ever kept baby oil in the house. I saw a talk show that had mothers on it talking about the dangers of baby oil. One mother's child died because they had swallowed the oil, and started coughing and this allowed for the oil to coat the lungs and the child suffocated. THIS SCARED ME, and I threw out all baby oil!!! No matter how hard you try kids get into things--so why chance it!!!

Back to the diaper thing....I also put the lotion on first and then the powder after almost every diaper change, especially when the baby had a bowel movement. I believe this helped alot with preventing diaper rash. However, we still did get it, now and is pretty hard to prevent. I also always kept A%26amp;D ointment and used it for the diaper rash. This is more natural of an ointment than your typical desitin, and a lot easier to wipe off!! Good Luck!!
I only use baby oil on my sons head after he has a bath - this helps prevent cradle cap. I also use moisturise all over his body, and nappy rash cream.

Other changes, I just use powder on his bottom.

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