okay right now i'm watching my cousin and his mom forgot to bring baby powder. so can i just use my mom's feminine powder? or something like that. it's powder but it's summer's eve instead of, say, johnson's.(: so yeah, can i use that? or will that be bad? or should i just not use any powder? i dont want him to get a diaper rash or anything...Question about baby powder and feminine powder?
Yikes, no!
And baby powder isn't really needed anyway. It can cloud up and get into baby's lungs. Just make sure his bottom is dry before you put the diaper on or use rash cream if she's provided it.Question about baby powder and feminine powder?
I would definitely not use your mums feminine powder as this was not meant for babies but adult females.
Babies do not really need talculm powder and if you have sudocrem or a nappy rash cream just dry baby properly and add a tiny amount of cream.
Talc, if not put on properly can get into babies lungs and is not good. The advice I would give for putting talc onto babies bottoms is put the talc onto a dry flannel/washcloth, blow excess off (obviously well away from the baby) and then dab gently onto areas. Never just pour talc onto skin direct from the tub and this is for all over after a bath too.
noahs mommy is right, dont ever ever ever use any kind of adult product like that on a baby. and as long as you keep him clean and dry you wont need powder, its no recommended to use it anymore anyhow
Powder is not necessary. So skipping it should be fine as long as his bottom is clean and dry before you diaper him.
No, babies don't even really need powder.
just wash his bottom area with a warm wash cloth and dry well. no need for powder at all. best use nothing than someting that might irritate.
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