Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is eating talc baby powder and corn starch baby powder dangerous to your health?

...You do realize that talc is a mineral, so when you eat the talcum powder, you are basically eating crushed up rocks, right?

Oh yeah, and stop.Is eating talc baby powder and corn starch baby powder dangerous to your health?


You should be munching on raw carrots or apples, or something.

The stuff you are asking about will send you to the Emergency Room with a dangerous blockage.

NOT a GOOD IDEA.Is eating talc baby powder and corn starch baby powder dangerous to your health?
why don't you try it and find out?
ack, why are you eating that?
if afraid to ask u WHY ur asking this question. did you accidently eat some? u gotta give some background info. look at the box. it'll say if its harmful.
I am not sure if it is harmful or not, but why would you.... baby powder has no known nutritional value. (I wouldn't risk it)

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