Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Baby products which is best i heard johnsons baby powder is bad ??

i think i read it somewhere on here that johnsons baby powder is bad for you baby is this true also i need to buy the bubs baby products for bath time changing nappies etc what are the main things that i will be needing thankyou for all the answers :0)Baby products which is best i heard johnsons baby powder is bad ??
oh good lord, people have been using baby powder for years, and I am not aware of any damage it has done to any babies in my lifetime! Even moreso, Johnson and Johnson, this is a reputable medical supplies company that has been producing supplies for many years. I think people are a bit too overly concerned nowadays, and what causes people to be so squirrely about this stuff is the lawsuits that have added up in the courtsystem. There is always someone out there trying to blame events on something for money. If baby powder was so bad for babies, they would pull it off the shelves.Baby products which is best i heard johnsons baby powder is bad ??
California Baby makes a good one. But it is best to not use powder. Here's info:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

';Just like auto exhaust or secondhand smoke, tiny airborne particles from baby powder can damage a baby's delicate, developing lungs. Parents who use baby powder on their children typically apply it daily. It's best to avoid using baby powder altogether. If you must use it, choose powders without suspect preservatives, ';fragrance,'; or sodium borate, an ingredient that the cosmetic industry's own safety advisory panel says is unsafe for infants.

Avoid these ingredients:

DMDM Hydantoin - Allergen and irritant that can form cancer-causing contaminants

Sodium Borate - Industry authorities caution against use on infant or damaged skin

Fragrance - Allergens that may contain neurotoxic or hormone-disrupting chemicals';
Baby powder is bad because it can be breathed into the lungs when you put it on. If you put it on your hand first and put it on the bottom or body it is fine but if you just sprinkle it on like most people do it can get into their lungs and cause breathing problems. I use roll on babypowder when i need to as this doesn't go flying into the air to get into the lungs.

Another thing to avoid is baby oil, if you have baby oil around make sure it doesn't get near a babies mouth because if it gets in the lungs or stomach it can cause serious problems and there have been reports of death involved with infants/toddlers getting it in their lungs.

You will be needing baby shampoo/body wash, baby washclothes, a baby towel, baby tub and for after bath a perfume free baby lotion (most babies break out with the ones with perfume in them).
i never used powder, i used cremes, such as bepanthen, paw paw creme is great if they get nappy rash. Bath time i love the smell of johnsons so i get that.
Baby powder should not even be used anymore. My nurse told me that the ';fumes'; from the powder irritate the baby.
I use nothing but Johnson %26amp; Johnson and love all of their products. I guess it is all in how the baby reacts to the product, but so far, I have had no problems.

The only thing I have heard about baby powder (all, not just Johnson %26amp; Johnson) is that you have to take care in applying it, put it in your hand first, away from baby, then apply to baby, as the little particles can be inhaled and create respiratory problems.
Hi Shell,

There is a great group of baby bath products available at Baby Willow's. Take a look through their online baby boutique or just take this link directly to the baby bath products section:鈥?/a>
Yes the small particles powder is made of can collect in babies lungs I use powder only when my son's diaper area is sweaty, and it causes irritation. My favorite soap is johnsons lavender scented but a newborn should avoid things with additives and scent until skin is used to it. When my son was born pampers swaddlers seemed to leak the least but explosions will happen. The newest thing to watch for is bottles made from plastic containing a chemical (I forget it's initials) but if you google it, it will come up. I didn't know till too late my bottles were on the bad list (vent air). As for binkeys If you are going to offer one playtex ortho is really good.
Baby powder is bad juju. Aveeno makes a baby line, some of which is fragrance free, that we use and really like. There's been all these studies recently about fragrances in lotions and soap containing phalates that can cause reproductive problems in boys, so...something to think about. We only use a mild soap, even Doc Bronners, diluted, and a fragrance free lotion for bath time. For rashes we use butt paste and it works like a charm. Don't worry about buying everything. Just diapers, wipes and some cleaning stuff and you'll be ok.
Talc baby powder is bad for babies lungs and cornstarch can make a diaper rash worse. The corn starch helps yeast grow, wet diapers are great places for it to start. Basics that you will need are diapers, wipes, baby shampoo (I like johnsons head to toe, they have great sents, but generics are just as good), a safe place to bathe baby (a kitchen sink works for a while, you may want to get a baby bathtub or a bath sponge or a bath seat), a place for baby to sleep (doesn't need to be a bassinette, can be a dresser drawer), blankets, sleepers, onsies and a car seat. Most other things you don't really need. Good luck.

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