I was talking with my mom today and she was questioning me about how i was changing my newborns diaper. She noticed i did not put on baby powder or cream after cleaning him up. She said she always put it on me and never had a problem with diaper rash. I was told by my sister in law that i did not need to start putting on powder or cream until i noticed a rash developing. So now i am confused and was hoping for some advice and personal experience. When do i use baby powder and cream? Baby powder and diaper rash cream, When to use? ?
Well I was talking to my doctor about this very question-simply with baby powder you dont need to use it on their bottom with the diaper and prefer you not to use it. Baby powder was used to stop liquids (urine) from the babys bottom to help prevent diaper rash-well now a days diapers has a much better way to hold of liquids that you dont need the diaper. My doctor said that putting the powder on the baby then put the diaper on will drawl the liquid to the babys butt. I just the baby powder when ever i am done giving her a bath but only under her chin-under her arms-anywhere you can have a yeast infection.
As for the diaper rash cream-I use it about 3 or 4 times a day-usually right before she goes to sleep because she can almost go the whole night without a change of diaper-before she goes to the baby sitters and after she comes home. You dont need to use it everytime but I use it a lot more than normal because it can prevent diaper rash and it doesnt harm the baby-so use it how ever you feel comfortable. Figure out where he sleeps the longest without a change in a diaper and I would have you use it then. If you go onto the brand name websites for the cream you can get coupons for pretty cheap!
After reading your answers though I am thinking I might stop using the baby powder it makes sense that they inhale it-its really up to you what you do and how often you do it-but I think the cream is a great idea at least once a day.Baby powder and diaper rash cream, When to use? ?
It's really up to you, but it's not necessary to use creams or powders on a newborn baby. Regular baby powder is bad for inhalation (try to get a naturally based powder, like Burts Bees, if you use powder). Most doctors recommend using cream on baby if the area appears to be somewhat red, to prevent the area from getting worse; otherwise, it's not necessary. Powder really isn't necessary for a newborn either. Once the baby moves on to solids, you may use cream/powder more frequently as necessary. But it's really your decision. HTH and congratulations!
I try and use diaper rash cream/ointment every single time I change my baby's diaper. However, I have used Vaseline once or twice just to see if it makes any difference and I found that Vaseline is just as good as diaper rash cream or ointment and the best part about it is that it's also much cheaper than diaper rash cream!
How about that for some good news?
As far as baby powder is concerned, I have read in a baby magazine recently that newborns and infants can easily inhale that stuff and possibly choke on it. Not good! I guess it all depends on how much powder you actually use.
It's a shame too because I bought quite a few bottles of baby powder before my baby was born.
Generally, it is up to you. My MIL puts powder on my son everytime she changes him, until his doctor actually directed us not to. That was for other reasons though. In reality the only time you need to begin putting that on is when you notice a rash or redness starting to appear. Most people do it every time to avoid even the beginning of a diaper rash. Me, I just put vaseline on my baby's bum because he gets so constipated that pooping actually makes his skin (excuse me for being blut i dont know another way to put this next part) around the hole and in his crack, bleed and chafe up. The vaseline wont irritate it the way powder will or sting it the way Desitin will. And it blocks his skin from getting further irritated from his diaper.
Powder is not indicated any longer. Mainly cause it can easily be inhaled but also cause it's no more effective than cream.
You can use diaper cream such as Desitin or Vitamin A%26amp;D (my fave) if you start seeing redness. But other than that you don't have to use it. That would be overkill...the companies are just trying to make money off of new parent anxieties.
And just cause she used cream all the time and you never got a rash doesn't mean you would have gotten a rash if she hadn't used it.
It's really up to you. Firstly, be careful using baby powder with an infant as the talc can hard their lungs. Use the baby powder with corn starch instead. I don't always use cream when changing my daughters diaper---I use A%26amp;D most of the time as that is great preventive cream that can be placed on a baby who is not completely dry (like right after you use a wipe to clean the babies bottom). I will you desitin (the thick white zinc cream) at night if I think my daughers bottom looks red. A%26amp;D is prevenitive and can cure a rash. Destin or any zinc cream blocks moisture---so use on dry skin. I use powder in the hot months but otherwise, I don;t feel it does anything to prevent or cure diaper rash. If their is an area that rubs or gets sweaty you could use powder but I tend to run some A%26amp;D on it and my daughter us good to go.
You are the parent so it is up to you. But cream is most likely used when a rash develops and power is just to keep things a little dryer down there. Also you could use Vaseline (my friend uses this on her baby) to keep the pee from giving a rash. The ultimate choice is up to you.
I generally only use diaper ointment when I notice a rash, except at bedtime I smear a bunch on so her skin is protected against urine, powder I use in warmer weather to freshen and absorb wetness, whether it's her bottom or in her crease of her thigh or underarms and such.
I use desitin every time I change my daughters doctor. But the nurse in the nursery at the hospital told us it wasn't good to use powder, I think because babies can inhale it or something like that.
Its up to you when to use it. I put cream on my son all the time just to prevent any diaper rash appearing. I sometimes use powder after he poops.
I used A%26amp;D ointment on a every day usage. as far as powder well I used it when he get cleaned up for the night I put it by his but.
I use it for every diaper change. Prevent it from happening! It also soothes the skin
DO NOT use baby powder - talc isn't good and all the dust from it is bad too. Babies can breathe it, as can you! You don't need powder for healthy skin.
Arbonne or Weleda (I'm sure there are others) are wonderful natural brands for diaper rash cream, oil (no mineral oil - very bad stuff - banned in Europe!) and lotions. I've used both brands and they last forever - so don't let the price fool you. They smell fantastic too and they are healing and provide the balanced moisture baby's skin needs to be HEALTHY and rash free! I used Weleda's oil on my son (11 now) and he never had a rash. I didn't use powder at all. Just use the oil or lotion after bath - when baby is all towel dried - and then a few times a day at diaper changes, on dried skin. A little goes a long way!
A note - watch out for products that contain mineral oil or petroleum. It's nasty stuff and I never realized it until I had kids. My midwife and dr told me a long time ago about how bad mineral oil is. Petroleum is what it's made from. In Europe, it is illegal to put it in health and cosmetic products - it's that bad!
Hi Alex's mommy. I used to work as a nurses aid in an old people's home so i changes alot of big diapers(LOL) Gross i know. I like old people and the money was good anyways in that nursing home baby powder was banned. I also was taught in college that baby powder is super bad for the lungs it sticks to the thin strings that are in your lungs damaging them. Also new studies are showing a link between baby powder and cervical and uteran cancer. Don't use the stuff unless you really need it. I only use it when my baby is super sweaty to try and absorb the wet in her cracks of her chubby little legs and neck. As for cream you could use it if you see a little redness something with low zinc in it like10 or 5% anything stronger is reserved for the bad rashes other wise once again in the nursing home we were told that using strong zinc would make the patient be immune to it after a while. I used vaseline a little bit too. You don't always need to put stuff on just a nice wipe once and a while is good to and diaper back on just make sure their bummy is dry after you wipe it's wettness that can start it. Good luck hope this helps moms did lots of old sschool stuff thats why your her mommy you get to make decisions !!(LOL) moms are great fountains of advice though i love mine don't get me wrong :)
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