Monday, November 21, 2011

My baby prefers ready to use formula, should I try to switch her over to powder even though she spits it out?

She is 5 wks old and I breast fed for the first 3 1/2 wks.My baby prefers ready to use formula, should I try to switch her over to powder even though she spits it out?
Maybe you could mix them together and then slowly decrease the amount of ready made stuff over time?My baby prefers ready to use formula, should I try to switch her over to powder even though she spits it out?
does it matter to you? if no the give her whats easier for her. If you prefer powdered then make sure its mixed right and at the right temp and just keep trying she will get used to it.

If you really think she cares alot then mix some premixed powder formula with the caned and gradually stop adding the canned
Use the ready to use formula for now, then switch her in a few weeks - maybe transitioning gradually to the powder.

Or, you could breast-feed her again for a while, that is free and she will prefer the taste of that over either of the others.
You started out on the right track, you should return to breastfeeding. It's not too late. Feeding formula especially with rejection already observed is a recipe for disaster.
wow i can imagine how expensive the ready to use formula is for u. I would try the powder and consult ur doctor to see if she has any suggestions
Why on Earth did you stop breastfeeding at 3 1/2 weeks? You should breastfeed her for about a year. Good luck.
Re-lactate, your baby is going to end up with reactions.

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